Red Ophis

DJ | Promoter

Tonia Nee is a London-based DJ, producer, vocalist, environmental activist and all-round ball of radiant energy. Originally from America before upping sticks to Co. Galway, Ireland and now residing in London, she has spent the last number of years living in the UK and juggling academia, charity work and creating her own sound and aesthetic within the city’s techno scene.

Tonia uses music as a way to highlight a universal topic she is incredibly knowledgeable and outspoken about - the environment and animal rights. With a well-connected group of friends who happen to be artists and producers in their own right, she curates and runs the non-profit event series Synthapise in intimate spaces across London such as Five Miles and Electrowerkz. The Synthapise booking policy centres around local and upcoming talent with all proceeds from the party going to various environmental causes which have a rippling effect on our lives.

Tonia’s musical taste and library encompasses everything from the misty and more haunting side of techno to straight-up industrial chaos. This has allowed her to share bills with Remco Beekwilder, XIK, OAKE, Codex Empire and many more, playing her way around the capital while earning the reputation as a dexterous selector. Beyond the booth, Tonia’s vocals have featured on End Train’s ‘The Day I Didn't Want To Wake Up’ [Code Is Law], and she has performed collaboratively alongside him on many occasions.

Although events are still on hold for now, Tonia has been focusing on her Red Ophis moniker; a fairly recent outlet which has allowed her to explore and experiment with multiple sonic tones and textures. She describes the alias in more detail below, as well as sharing a significant memory from last year…

Quarantune - Red Ophis - Synthapise.png

Where was this photo taken and why did you choose it?

This pic was taken at a non-profit event I run once a year raising awareness for animals’ rights/animal cruelty, it’s called ‘Synthapise’ - and last year I combined the event with my 30th birthday.

Here I am with a massive vegan birthday cake that the music familia surprised me with, absolute legends (!), there was also books and this beautiful photo frame with everyones name in it - I got a bit emotional haha. We raised £770 that night for the Bumblebee Conservation Trust, which does work to help save the bumblebee from going extinct, something I felt was important to contribute towards. 

The music was various forms of techno, also electro and EBM, but mainly industrial techno. Artists playing were close friends and local talent, Claus Fuss (Khemia), Operation 4.0 (Somnus), Polanski (BLANC), WANNA, ZELLER, Andrφmeda (FOLD), Fairground of Tears (Exiled/Theory of Yesterday) and URSULA. Everyone was amazing and it felt like a real family feel night from the DJ booth to dance floor - it was a perfect way to ring in my 30s! 

What kind of music are you listening to at the moment?

At the moment I find myself being drawn to experimental music - I KNOWWW! WHAT ABOUT TECHNO?!!? Ahaha well techno, particularly industrial, is still there of course - it’s still a part of ‘me’ especially as it’s at the core of how I got into the scene and I have some podcasts coming up and they will be of a techno/industrial/EBM sound, but in my spare time I do enjoy the obscure stuff. This can be with or without groove - to be honest the weirder the better - also I’m finding more of a connection to pieces with vocals. Usually all my music no matter what genre tends to be of a dark nature and a sad tone as I feel they have more weight and fullness to them. Or who knows maybe I’m just constantly crying on the inside haha.

You've got quite a few mixes lined up for Girlcast, HTBX London, COARSE, DIEnight Limerick, AKROR, N.I.M and KODEN. Since the lockdown, how are you finding the podcasts - is the music style changing during lockdown? And are you working on any other projects?

I just did a podcast for MASS (London), where it was more of an experimental mix, more of a selector style too for this, showing artists and labels that I’m listening to at the moment - HIDE, Angels of America, Deathday, SMFORMA, Stiga…I’m definitely enjoying this side and want to explore it more in general and share, as that’s the point of the Red Ophis alias, to have layers of skin like a snake to shed - symbolising musically and life I suppose, but for the majority of the podcasts coming up they will be on the techno/industrial/EBM sound which is always fun too. 

As for projects, well, I’m still working full time at the moment, and I study a degree part-time (Environmental Science), but I am visualising (if that counts as working on a project haha) some scenarios to perform live vocals with the poetry I write on the side…let’s see this could be future-future talk…

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or anxious, do you have a go-to track or style of music that significantly lifts your spirits?

At the moment I’m listening to mostly 80s/90s. The Cranberries, System of a Down, Nirvana, good ole Alanis too, might be because they are nostalgic and have good memories attached to them - either way they are all good for screeching along to.

How do you intend on celebrating once we’re out the other side?

I am looking forward to just seeing everyone, catching up, playing B2Bs with friends, something we used to just meet up and do for the craic. Also before the lockdown I joined the MOTZ gang so would be great to actually have a little get together with the gals in the flesh!

Any tips on how to look after your mind and body during this slightly stressful time, as well as trying to stay motivated as an artist?

I’m doing virtual HIIT workouts every morning before work with one of my friends then straight after I go on to do a virtual workout with my mom, haha, if you knew my mom you’d know why I’m laughing - she is just absolutely cracked. It’s actually a nice little routine that has got going which is definitely helping to keep mentally afloat, although still waiting to actually see the results(!).

I do feel physically more fit, which helps to keep the spirits up. Self-help videos on YouTube are my go-to in life, so those have been getting quite a few hits these days  - things like inner self work, mind over matter, all that kind of craic. I’m lucky to be living with my boyfriend during this time who deals with my drama on a regular basis and we play cards together; journaling helps, oh and video chats with friends and fam make things feel a bit ‘normal’ and good for a laugh.

Listen to Red Ophis’ latest mix for Girlcast here and follow her below:





Anastasia Kristensen


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