
DJ | Producer | Sound Engineer

JoeFarr is a Wales-based Mastering Engineer, Producer, DJ and founder of the reputable User Experience (UX) imprint. Over the last couple of years, the label has grown in significant popularity with releases from Insolate, Fran Hartnett, Rowka, Jasmine Azarian and Dahryl amongst a plethora of Joe’s own gnarly productions. While most of the releases lean towards the harder nook of techno, the label doesn’t follow a strict sound. A handful of oddball and broken tracks including Tenebre’s remix of ‘Source’ by Rowka and the trance-tinged ‘Trust’ track by Ike Dusk have seeped through the cracks of UX's brimming discography.

The artwork alone is enough to make the label one of the most distinct imprints in UK electronic music with stand-out covers supplied by Irish tattooist and producer, Fran Hartnett. Each artwork reflects the sonic aesthetic of UX - colourful, disturbing and a blur between beauty and the grotesque. Always keen to unearth new talent on the label, Joe regularly runs remix competitions to test the creative skills of burgeoning producers and put them on the map after combing through stacks of demos and selecting what’s worth getting out there. 

UX is continuing to flourish even in a pandemic. Joe is currently running another remix competition which is open to any producer, and all proceeds from the chosen tracks will go straight to Women’s Aid. You can submit your entry via email to with a Soundcloud link - don't forget to have that Download button on - before 31st May.

Bookings are of course on hold right now but previously Joe toured Europe and Australia and closer to the home, the Welshman could be found alongside Sunil Sharpe, Ansome, Headless Horseman, Regis, Schwefelgelb and many more at several spaces across the UK. The below was taken during one of Joe’s sets at the height of festival season (RIP) which he goes into more detail…


Where was this photo taken and why did you choose it?

It’s a screen grab from a video I took from the stage, it was a small festival in France somewhere. You can check out the video here. The guy with his thumb up was wanting me to play it harder and we had some back and forth banter, mainly through hand gestures.

It was just one of those moments that I remember well and the gig was great fun, the tent was a proper sweat fest. I met a legend of the UK scene who was also playing, but I only worked out who he was afterwards, I think that’s kind of nice because then there’s no power imbalance, but yeah once I worked it out I felt a bit stupid. I would tell you who he was but it was a while ago and now I’ve forgotten his name. FFS.

What are you listening to at the moment if you’re working from home?

Radio 6 all the time when I’m home, they play great stuff. During the weekdays I am mastering a lot so listening to all sorts of stuff at the studio. 

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or anxious, do you have a go-to track or style of music that significantly lifts your spirits?

Mmm as I am so damn busy I haven’t really felt anxious, I was a bit at the start of lockdown but then that subsided. As I said, Radio 6 is keeping me sane and they play some classics which is always welcome. I think music is magic when it comes to helping your mood or take your mind off stress, just bang anything on and see if it helps, usually does. 

How do you intend on celebrating once we’re out the other side?

Pub!! PUB!! 

Any tips on how to look after your mind and body during this slightly stressful time?

Exercise when you can, try and keep a routine and talk to people.

Listen to Helrad’s latest EP ‘Perseverance’ on UX
here and follow Joe below:






Ireen Amnes

